Give your views on Luton’s sport and physical activity facilities


Luton Council has launched a public consultation today (23 April) inviting residents, clubs, and community groups to give their views on the draft Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) and Indoor Built Facilities Strategy (IBFS), which provide a background of the facilities available in Luton including leisure centres and playing pitches.

The council appointed Knight, Kavanagh and Page (KKP) to undertake an assessment of both the indoor and outdoor facilities, including playing pitches in Luton. The strategies provide the council with a valuable framework for the maintenance and improvement of existing facilities, and highlights the need for any additional facilities. The strategies will support the council and stakeholders to plan and prioritise for the future, ensuring that sport and physical activity facilities and amenities are located in the right places to support the local community to take part regularly.

The two strategies have separate aims, objectives and recommendations. The PPS aims to protect playing pitch and outdoor sports facilities for long-term benefits, promote a sustainable approach to the provision of new pitches and ensure that there are enough facilities in the right places to meet current future demands.

The IBFS has two strands: to provide more health and sports facilities such as a new Indoor Urban Cricket Centre; and to enhance existing facilities such as redeveloping Lewsey Sports Park, Lea Manor Recreational Centre and Hightown Community Sports and Arts Centre

Sally Cartwright, Director of Public Health said: “This consultation is crucial to the delivery of sports and physical activity services in Luton, and in-turn, the Luton 2040 vision. We want to hear from Luton residents, partners, clubs and businesses to ensure that we are creating strategies that works for as many people as possible.

“Luton Council is committed to ensuring that all residents, regardless of their ethnic or social backgrounds have free and easy access to pitches, sports centres, and other leisure facilities in the town, to enable them to live healthy and active lifestyles. Please take part in the consultation as this is a real opportunity to have your say and help us to support an active and healthy town.”

Views and comments received during the consultation will be used to finalise the Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Built Facility Strategy. The consultation will run for eight weeks from Tuesday 23 April to Tuesday 18 June 2024. The final strategies will be considered by the council’s Executive and if approved, will be adopted in early 2025.

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