A meeting that I will never forget: Muhammad Yasin Malik


Legendry Yousuf Khan famously known as Dilip Kumar bid a farewell to this worldly life on 07th July 2021. Albeit many a days have passed since his departure but people all over the world are still debating and discussing his charisma and charm. This confab will continue as the personality in discussion is too big, too great and simply too unforgettable in many ways. Yousuf Sahib (Dilip Kumar) is in every respect a fascinating story which has for all something or some stakes concealed in it, but being a front line organization fighting for the Liberation and Unification of Jammu Kashmir, JKLF in its organizational capacity has had nothing to write about or converse about on this matter. Notwithstanding this fact, one incidence in particular was and has prompted us to pen down few lines for this great man of our times. The occasion in discussion is actually regarding a meeting between Yousuf Khan (Dilip Kumar) and incarcerated Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Mohammad Yasin Malik.

Incarcerated Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Mohammad Yasin Malik, who remains in Tihar Jail Delhi from last 30 months now, has had a vast reverence for Dilip Kumar whom he regarded as one of the finest ever born. People who know Yasin Malik recognize his compassionate heart and soul. His love for humanity and human fineness, His passion for freedom to all and his idealism to dignify humbleness and humility. We the friends and followers of Yasin Malik know that demise of Dilip Kumar Sahib must have saddened him a lot and this is why we hereby are sharing the story he used to tell us about his meeting with the legend. We know it is coming a bit late, but getting the picture of that eminent meeting was not easy especially during present dark days when world’s largest democracy has actually placed a ban on everything in occupied Jammu Kashmir. Here is the actual story as narrated by JKLF Chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik….

“Being a diehard fan of Yousuf Khan (Dilip Kumar), I always desired to have a one on one meeting and a warm handshake with the legend and probably could have done anything for this but when the actual time came, my responsibility of being the voice of a struggling nation restrained me from getting close to my childhood fantasy until the great man himself chose to get closer to me. The occasion was a ceremony of famous Indian TV show ‘Aap Ki Adalat’ hosted by famous Indian media Personality Rajat Sharma. It was I think the 10th Year celebrations or completion of 100 episodes of the epic program. Scores of prominent political, religious, social, academic personalities were present. From former Indian Prime ministers to present union ministers, from imminent business tycoons to Bollywood celebrities, from members of Indian parliament to Bureaucrats and authorities, from ambassadors to diplomats of various nations, all under one roof were part of this celebration. I entered the arena with a huge responsibility of being representative of my struggling Nation Jammu Kashmir and consciously occupied a table that could keep me at a fare distance from all those whom I wanted to avoid meeting. As soon as I sat down around my table, I saw all big guns of politics, social life, media fraternity and glamour life moving towards a table and queuing up to shake hands of a man whose smiling eyes were glittering like diamonds, greeting everyone with love and affection. Standing higher in front of the high and giving fatherly pats on those faces who were coming to get blessings.

This was Yousuf Khan (Dilip Kumar)…..My Hero…..My childhood fantasy….The hero I wanted to catch a sight of….The actor whose hands I looked-for to touch…..Whose eloquently spoken words filled up with some sort of divine fragrance, my ears wanted to receive. Whom I longed to see physically someday in my lifetime and witness his much talked ‘pause’ he took while giving simple words a sought of some physical embodiment. He was in front of me and I just had to stand up, take few steps and hug him…But then my obligation of being a representative of a subjugated nation came in. I cannot disparage my national aspiration for my individual yearning. My limbs were asking me to glide, fly and meet the legend but my national goal was chaining my legs….I wanted to stand up and walk towards the legend but the verses of his film ‘Leader’ ………

‘Apni Azadi Ko Ham Hargiz Mita Saktay Nahin Sar Kata Saktay hain laikin Sar Juka saktay nahin’….were not letting me to stand up…This melee between my soul and mind kept me seated, watching celebrities’ lining up to meet Dilip Kumar…. During this commotion, only one thing that I was not able to evade was constant goggling towards Sahib… I never thought, for even a while, that Sahib (Dilip Kumar) was taking any note of my dilemma…In my own imagination I was too small to his stature for that….Suddenly I saw him standing up….Black suit with white shirt and a multicolor neck tie were augmenting the radiance of his ever sparkling face.. A red color handkerchief in his hand was adding to his exquisiteness….He took some steps here and there with all eyes fixed on him…..I was cherishing his stylish way of walking, gesturing and never realized that he was actually heading towards me…..it was only when my friends jolted me…’Dilip Sahib is coming towards us’,…..that I came out of my semi-unconscious state….I saw the great legend only one step away from me. I stood up immediately as Kashmiri shawl on my shoulders was slipping down…Kiya Hall hain Yasin Sahib (How are you Yasin)….These words patted my ears and went straight down into my soul…. I took my right hand out and gave it into the hands of the legend. I could feel the warmth of his soft but strong hands through my spine…I was wordless…..but the legend had plentiful of mesmerizing words…Almost in a state of comatose, I heard him saying….Tum Apni Qoum Ki Jang lad Rehay Hou, Isliyay Tumhain Apni Izzat I Nafs Ka Khiyal Rekhna hi Chahyay…. Main Tumhari Pur-Aman Jedojahad Ki Izzat karta Hoon….Allah Tumhain Kamyaab Farmayain… (You are fighting war of your nation and you should uphold your self-Respect…

I admire your peaceful struggle ….May Allah give you success)….Aroma of these words was soothing for my ears but my legs were shivering, my lips sealed and eyes looking down in remorse…The great star….who was not merely a film star but a real life hero had humbleness, etiquettes and greatness to come to me…he had actually conquered me through his modesty…..He neither think of Nitty-gritty of his larger than life image nor gave a dam to any media negativity…..His personality was too bigger for me and by initiating this meeting of ours, he actually had risen more higher in my eyes…..I felt ashamed at my approach and hardly could utter any words but his smiling lips and shining eyes were relentlessly consoling me, giving me overwhelming encouragement…..The legend asked about my health, my recent medical procedure and advised me to spent a healthy life. I was astounded at his knowledge of current affairs…..How come a busy star like him knew everything about my health? I was totally stunned …. It is only after meeting the legend I realized that Almighty never gives greatness to anyone without a purpose. From childhood I had heard that Greatness should bring soberness, humility and humbleness in a human…. Larger stature should make you bighearted and if it not so then you have not achieved any greatness at all and today I was witnessing a great human actually living these adages.

It is a common saying that ‘when a tree is laden with heavy fruits its branches bow downwards’…..How true was this for Dilip Kumar…..A real life hero whose humility and humanity taught me many a lesson that too in a short meeting…..
Today the star has left this materialistic world, he Insha’Allah is at a better place, but his life, and death should only serve as an eye opener for all of us….This world is too small and even if you live a long successful life, like that of Dilip Kumar Sahib, you have to leave one day….But if you are humble, compassionate, hardworking and humane like Dilip Kumar Sahib, you will be loved, remembered and cherished by all….friends and foes….admirers and critics….all Humanity…

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