Youth ; source of endless energy


Hadiqa Ali

Youth is the time of life when one is young, or the time between the childhood and adulthood . The three ages reflect time as past present and future. Youth is like a present moment of life , Youth is an experience that may shape individual’s level of dependency. Youth also identifies a particular mindset of attitude ; this age gives more dreams to fulfill, to learn, to explore new ideas, to make things possible, and achieve it. It can promote progress through more involvement in education, employment, and empowerment. Don’t force your old technique and ideas on them because this is the time to discover their plans. Their dreams are different from yours, and choices vary differ from yours. You have to give wings to fly, their mind to approach towards new opportunities, and understand enough to built trust. Youth need the education to proceed in the right direction. Youth is the stage of constructing the self-concept.
Now, Youth is more progressive towards their goals and confident about it. They actively participated in social campaigns and economic development programs. They make better decisions in life, and they are full of spark, courage, and also they work to bring positive changes in society.Youth activism is the participation in community organizing for social change. It has led to a shift in political participation and activism . The young activists have taken role in public protest, and pushing around many issues like climate change , abortion rights , gun violence and many other as well. Popular applications like Twitter , Instagram . Facebook, YouTube have become the newest tools for young activists in the 21st century . Due to digital media and technologies, youth are more active in media than old generation.
The youth voice frequently associated with the successful application of variety of youth development activities including service training , youth research and leadership training . Needless to say that the budding youth are considered as the future power as the leaders of the nation. One of the major qualities of youth is anger. They are unable to compromise on their ideas and the principles and do not hesitate to stand anything wrong going around them. Youth will not hesitate to fight back against the wrong .Youth need a platform to establish and achieve their perspectives. They also step ahead to end poverty, inequality, and climatic change. Youth needs a significant role in our society. They are more transparent and vibrant in their thinking. They pursue careers like leadership, innovations, motivation speakers, standup comedians, Web series makers, which are very famous nowadays . Also included the young writers, poets, also replenish their work, scriptwriters, struggling actors, young entrepreneurs, startups. Politics is the lesser touched field; try the youths, but hopefully soon in the next time, all are to be in this race. They will enhance the economy of our society.
If given opportunity, our youth are always ready to make out most from an opportunity and give out their best. It would not be wrong that youth are the powerhouse and the storehouseofinfiniteenergyandareprideofthesociety. Youngpeoplehavesomuch potential that if they use it in constructive work they can lead their society in a path of progress. The dedication, hardwork and the quest of knowledge of the youth will not only help them to lead the satisfied life but will also be their contribution
towards society a super society. It is important to realize the role of the youth in success story as well as to educate and motivate them towards the path of building a better society .
Life is short, life is a one-time opportunity for the achievers. Risk and take challenges. Prepare yourself for the great challenge. Start with small risks and challenges and then

reached a higher level. I share a quote of Abdul Kalam; The great scientist magical words
“When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience.

By ; Hadiqa Ali

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